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N° 4 - Novembre 2014

Staying fit through healthy eating

Edition 4
N° 4
Corpore Sano / Innovation


N° 4
Corpore Sano / Innovation
A new facility for researchers at the CHUV

A new facility for researchers at the CHUV

N° 4
Corpore Sano / Prospection
Botox: new relief for migraine sufferers

Botox: new relief for migraine sufferers

N° 4
In Situ / Selection InVivo
Our selection

Our selection

N° 4
Corpore Sano / Tendances
Amateur athletes, beware! You may be taking drugs.

Amateur athletes, beware! You may be taking drugs.

N° 4
In Situ / Health Valley
Lessons learned

Lessons learned

N° 4
Mens Sana / Tendances
The boom in geomedicine

The boom in geomedicine

N° 4
Focus / Dossier
Soylent, the magic potion of the 21st century

Soylent, the magic potion of the 21st century

N° 4
Corpore Sano / Prospection
DNA does not tell everything

DNA does not tell everything

N° 4
In Situ / Autour du globe
In Vivo showered with awards

In Vivo showered with awards

N° 4
Corpore Sano / Chronique
Vitamin C

Vitamin C

N° 4
In Situ / Health Valley
Switzerland becomes the first country to create an electronic organ donor card

Switzerland becomes the first country to create an electronic organ donor card

N° 4
Cursus / Chronique
Physiotherapy, the great unknown by Roland Paillex

Physiotherapy, the great unknown by Roland Paillex

N° 4
Mens Sana / Interview
“Eggs from a European woman with blue eyes go for more than eggs from an Asian woman”

“Eggs from a European woman with blue eyes go for more than eggs from an Asian woman”

N° 4
Mens Sana / Innovation
the end of the Cuckoo’s nests

the end of the Cuckoo’s nests

N° 4
Corpore Sano / Chronique
Peek, an eye-opening innovation.

Peek, an eye-opening innovation.

N° 4
Cursus / Portrait
Christel Tran in Toronto

Christel Tran in Toronto

N° 4
Cursus / Portrait
Claudia Mazzocato, Palliative care Unit

Claudia Mazzocato, Palliative care Unit

N° 4
Corpore Sano / Innovation
Bringing the right response, and fast

Bringing the right response, and fast

N° 4
Corpore Sano / Décryptage
The challenges of old age

The challenges of old age

N° 4
In Situ / Autour du globe
Hand-held doctor

Hand-held doctor

N° 4
In Situ / Health Valley
Developing the ecosystem… grounding our companies

Developing the ecosystem… grounding our companies

N° 4
Focus / Interview
“You have to be aware of your sensations.”

“You have to be aware of your sensations.”

N° 4
Mens Sana / Chronique
Patrick Lemoine

Patrick Lemoine

N° 4
Focus / Editorial
Pleasure comes slow-cooked

Pleasure comes slow-cooked

N° 4
Focus / Dossier
Staying fit through healthy eating

Staying fit through healthy eating

N° 4
Focus / Dossier
A weight gene

A weight gene

N° 4
Focus / Dossier
A weight gene

A weight gene

N° 4
Mens Sana / Décryptage
The Science of Optimism

The Science of Optimism

N° 4
Focus / Interview
“dietary supplements address a given sub-population”

“dietary supplements address a given sub-population”

N° 4
Mens Sana / Innovation
Remote-controlled medicine

Remote-controlled medicine

N° 4
Mens Sana / Interview
“I’m con-cerned about the price”

“I’m con-cerned about the price”

N° 4
Corpore Sano / Décryptage
Protons versus cancer

Protons versus cancer

N° 4
Cursus / Tandem
The Swiss Cancer Center, Lausanne

The Swiss Cancer Center, Lausanne